In Home Decorating Ideas And Tips

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If you’ve read my bio, then you probably know that my home

is literally my favorite place on the planet.

I love being at home!

When the pandemic hit and everyone was urged to stay home,

I thought, ‘well, dang, I can totally do that!

And after 6 months in,

I was still as happy as could be

just hanging out here

in the space that I love.

So why do I love being in my home so much?

One of the main reasons is:


I’ve styled my furniture and accessories so my home always looks pulled together, welcoming and appealing to me.

And today I’m going to share some of my best in home decorating ideas and tips with you

so you can elevate the style in your home too!

So let’s get started:


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First of all, you need to really pin down your decorating style.

Last week we talked about how to get to know your decorating style and why it’s important because it can directly relate to the way you feel emotionally. (If you missed it, you can read about it HERE.)

If your surroundings appeal to you, then you tend to be happier in your space.


Sometimes less is more.

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Get tips on how to get rid of clutter HERE

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Decluttering and editing will instantly make your home look more stylish.

Here are some quick tips for editing a room:

Take all your accessories down and put them on a table in the middle of the room. Go around to other rooms and pick a few accessories and bring them to the table as well.

Now start to add items back onto shelves, tables and cabinets from the table. Work on one area at a time.

Stand back and look each time you add a couple of new accessories.

Add and remove items as you see what works and what doesn’t.

Leave some empty spaces (your eyes need an empty space to rest.)

Work in odd numbers. (More about that later.)

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Keep working like this all around the room until you have accessorized the entire room.

Take away the table and any remaining objects you didn’t use.


This goes along with decluttering.

Whenever possible, put electronics and small appliances in cabinets and drawers.

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Keep your counters and built-ins looking stylish by tucking all the appliances and components out of sight. See how nice our media wall looks without all the components sitting out?

Charge phones and tablets in a basket or in a drawer. Store your remotes in a decorative box or drawer. If you don’t use a kitchen appliance daily, store it in a cabinet.

You would be amazed at how these simple steps can totally change the look of your room.


Large bottles with free-form branches…

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a vintage fan…

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deer antlers…

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draping orchid blossoms

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and a round metal table with scrolled legs

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all add interest and personality to my living room because of their shape.

So look for objects and furnishings that have unusual or interesting shapes to give your rooms a little boost of style and personality.


Using lots of different textures will elevate your decor.


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pillows and throws…

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(Get tips on how to style throws HERE)

a twig wreath…

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rustic wood…

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natural stone…

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are all great ways to add texture to your space.

Be sure to have enough texture in your decor. Wicker, aged leather, nubby rugs, driftwood, concrete and fur are just some more of the textures you can bring in to add depth and interest to your rooms.

So those are just the first 5 out of 12 in home decorating ideas and tips I have for you.

Be sure to check out my next post for 7 more great tips! You can see it HERE


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Phil. 4:8