Garden Picked Flowers

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Yesterday morning I was sitting in the chair in my office having some quiet time when I happened to look out the window. And I saw four of the biggest, most beautiful blush-colored roses ever.


They were in what used to be my mom’s garden.

You see, we bought this house from my parents about a year and a half ago. And we’ve been so busy working on the inside, that we’ve completely neglected the yard. We plan to redo the landscaping eventually but we just haven’t paid too much attention to it right now.

Until I saw those roses.


And the thing was, I could only see them from that chair in my office. The chair that I only spend about 20 minutes a day sitting in. I couldn’t see them from anywhere else in the house.

So you know what I had to do right??

I grabbed my clippers and my white pitcher and I went on a mission.

A mission to rescue 4 HUGE roses (seriously, they were about 8 inches in diameter) from certain death by drought. And bring them into my house where they could live and flourish. And I could see them and enjoy them all day long for days to come…

I knew I had to have more than just 4 lonely roses to make a bouquet. So I looked around at what else was out there. And let me tell ya, it was slim pickins!

There was a green bush with nice leaves and some kind of green buds on it. And our neighbor, Bill has a Photinia bush that hangs over into our yard. So I hid behind it and snipped some of the flowers off of that. And while I was out there, I grabbed a couple of grapevines too.


And I came up with this.


Not bad for just having a few rag-tag bushes around the yard…


You never know how creative you can be with whatever’s available to you.

So look around your yard —

Maybe there’s lots of potential in yours too!

PS Apparently Photinia blossoms don’t like captivity. This morning, it had snowed a million tiny white blossoms all over the place…

PPS And you know how I said I wanted to bring the roses inside to ‘live and flourish’? Well, apparently they were happier outside in the drought — they didn’t last long either…


I got my white ceramic pitcher at Goodwill but here are some great options from Amazon.

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